Massage therapy as a therapeutic sector essential service has resumed, and the health and professional services in private practice are permitted and are accessible to all now.
Our massage therapy studio is now located in the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex - Suite #332 - 2111 Northcliffe Ave. (Accessible ramp) or 2100 Marlowe Ave. (By appointment only.)
As you may know, Massage therapy in the province of Quebec resumed on June 1st, 2020. The practice of massage therapy may be modified on occasion to protect public health, for the foreseeable future. In light of the pandemic, you can expect increased use of hand sanitizer, hand washing, disinfecting, and masks under certain circumstances, utilized by your massage therapists.
You as a client, have every right to inquire, request, and be informed of all the practices and procedures that your therapist is taking to ensure your and their health is kept safe. Should you have any questions or concerns, do raise them with your massage therapist.
I have resumed my massage therapy practice in Montreal, and have re-acquired a professional office space in the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex. I am proceeding carefully and mindfully because I am deeply committed to your health and safety. I am following the direction of my professional association. I will continue to educate myself, stay informed of best practices, and adapt to the changing public health reality as needed. I have written about how COVID-19 has changed my practice and what precautions I am taking here.
Throughout this time I am available for your questions and can offer referrals to other skilled practitioners should you need them.
I hope to be an ongoing (in-person and online) resource as we continue to navigate this new reality.